Fuel Injection repair

Most diesel engines (with the exception of some tractors and scale model engines) have fuel injected into the combustion chamber. Modern common-rail diesel injectors can fire two or three times per engine cycle—this doubles the wear on the injector compared to diesels of the past. To tell if there is a problem with common-rail injection systems fueled with ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel, we need to know how many injectors have failed since its introduction. The feedback we get from our readers and online reports of failures suggests there’s always room for improvement in our fuel, too. We searched, Snooped and investigated various diesel fuel injection testing equipment. CX5-600 have a good performance to test CR injector and pump ,( bosch,denso.Siemens,delphi.) (EUI/EUP (UIS&UPS) For CAT PUMP(according to your need to add) The function of the tester for CR high pressure pumps is to provide the desired signal to drive the solenoid in the pump being tested. CX5-600...